The British and French Constitutions Contrasted

The British and French Constitutions Contrasted

The British and French Constitutions Contrasted : Changing conditions are leading to stronger Executive control. Formal restraints on the Executive are negligible. The only counter-balance is public opinion. The degree of freedom of the Judiciary, of local government, and of the citizen, in relation to central Government. Comparative study of the British and French systems … Read more

Methods of Political Science

Methods of Political Science

Methods of Political Science.  Limitations and Difficulties:- Having endeavored to show that the study of political phenomena may under certain conditions attain the character of a science, we come now to inquire into the processes and methods by Which this may be done. First of all, however, we must note the limitations and difficulties under … Read more

Definition and scope of political science

Definition and scope of political science

Definition and scope of political science. Views of Eminent Authors:- It was a saying of a Roman jurist that all definitions are dangerous because they never go far enough and are nearly always contradicted by the facts. The truth of this observation applies as well to general propositions in political science as to those of … Read more

Political Terminology

Political Terminology

Political Terminology . Lack of a Precise Nomenclature : It is Characteristic of political Science that, differing from the natural sciences, it lacks a precise and generally accepted nomenclature.  Such terms as “state” “government” “politics” “administration” “nation” “nationality” “liberty,” “democracy” “oligarchy, people” and many others are used in different senses and convey different meanings to … Read more

Law as a source of authority

Law as a source of authority

Law as a source of authority: To those for whom law is a simple command, legal by virtue of the source from Which it comes, it is not likely that such complexities as these will be popular. We are urging that law is, in truth, not the will of the State, but that from which … Read more

Co-ordination and federalism

Co-ordination and federalism

Co-ordination and federalism: My point may perhaps be made by saying that since society is essentially federal in nature, the body which seeks to impose the necessary unities must be so built that the diversities have a place therein. If it is true, as I have argued, that no association included the whole of myself, … Read more

Representation for authority

Representation for authority

Representation for authority: This is at least the path to a solution of the two issues in the problem of authority that I outlined earlier in this article. It does not, as in the classic theory of politics, begin by postulating the necessary unity of society and continue by insisting on the supremacy of the … Read more

Authority and allegiance

Authority and allegiance

Authority and allegiance: Here is the head and center of the problem of authority. That problem, as I conceive it, is twofold in nature. It is the problem Of making the solutions of the ultimately unifying authority able to command the willing allegiance of citizens, and Of discovering a process through which the likelihood of … Read more

The place of consent in politics

The place of consent in politics

The place of consent in politics: The view of the State discussed in the previous Article involves a new attitude to the problem of authority. It involves, of Course, the exercise of power by persons and it admits that the number of persons legally entrusted with power is likely to remain small. But its center … Read more

The movement towards a new order

The movement towards a new order

The movement towards a new order: No effort is more suspect in our time than the criticism of the existing rights of property. It is wrong because it is subversive. It is futile because it is Utopian. It is erroneous because it runs counter to the eternal laws of human nature. But the existing rights … Read more