What is the Population in Political Science?

What is the Population in Political Science?

What is the population in political science? The necessity of People: The state, as is pointed out in the previous article, may be viewed as both a concrete thing and an abstract idea. Envisaged in concreto it is a human group or association; viewed in the abstract it is a corporation possessing a juristic personality. … Read more

The Ends of the State in political science

The end of The State

The Ends of the State in political science -From an examination of the nature of the state we pass naturally to a consideration of its objects, purposes, or ends. The conceptions which have prevailed in different ages and even among different writers in the same epoch with respect to this question have varied, although among … Read more

Differences between the State and Other Associations

Differences between the State and Other Associations

The State, too, is a group of human beings. It comes into existence, like other groups, to satisfy human needs through concerted action. While each group has its distinctive character and problems, yet  all pursue their activities to secure a happy and good life. In spite of this close resemblance between the State and other … Read more

What is the State | Terminology & Definitions

What is the State

What is the state , State is a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. State is is the organization while the government is the particular group of people, the administrative bureaucracy that controls the state apparatus at a given time. Terminology & Definitions :- The Term “State.” Political science, … Read more

The Relationship of Political Science With Other Social Sciences

Relationship of political science with other social sciences

The Relationship of political science with other social sciences are in reality relations between sectors of different disciplines, not between whole disciplines. It is not an “interdisciplinary”endeavor. Since there is no progress without specialization, the creative interchanges occur between specialized sub fields, most of the time at the margins of the formal disciplines. The current … Read more

Observation The Province of Government

Observation The Province of Government

Observation The Province of Government : Boundary Line between Legitimate and Illegitimate Functions-Regarding the merits of the individualistic and socialistic theories of state functions, but one conclusion is possible neither to day represents the generally accepted view of the sphere and duty of the state or the actual practice. As Huxley aptly remarked, individualism and … Read more

The Socialistic Theory

The Socialistic Theory

Directly opposed to laissez faire theory of state functions is what, for lack of a more suitable term, we may call the socialistic theory, which, contends for a maximum rather than a minimum of government. The supporters of this theory, instead of distrusting the state and looking upon it as an evil whose functions should … Read more

The Individualist Theory or Laissez Faire

The Individualist Theory

The principle of individualism or Individualist Theory also called Laissez Faire in French language, which means, ‘leave the individual alone’ and there should be minimum interference, in his functions, by the government. It should be left to the will of the individual to do what he desires The Individualist Theory Explained :- The individualist, unlike … Read more

Theories Relative to the Functions of Government : The Anarchist View

Theories Relative to the Functions of Government

Functions of government many are response vital functions, including national security and protecting civil liberties, from freedom of speech to freedom from unreasonable search in all modern states, governmental functions have greatly expanded with the emergence of government as an active force in guiding social and economic. Now i discuses about Theories Relative to the … Read more

Characteristics of American Constitutions

Characteristics of American Constitutions

Characteristics of American Constitutions.-The American constitutions, especially the Federal constitution, and to a large degree those of Latin America which are modeled upon that of the United States, possess certain features which distinguish them generally from the constitutions of Europe and Asia. In the first place they are in large measure instruments of grants and … Read more