Organization Of The Judiciary

organization of the judiciary

Organization Of The Judiciary. The structure of the judiciary in most of the State  is pyramidal with the Supreme Court at the top, High Courts below them and district and subordinate courts at the lowest level (see the diagram below). The lower courts function under the direct superintendence of the higher courts. Principles of Organization. … Read more

The Lawmaking Function of the Courts

functions of the court

At least in some countries, a final function of the courts is the power to create and develop the law. The law they make is known as “case law” or “judge-made law” in Latin countries, jurisprudence. This power results from the judges’ universal right to construe and interpret statutes, and in Anglo-Saxon countries, to decide … Read more

Functions of the Judiciary

functions of the judiciary

Functions of the Judiciary and Its Importance are To Give Justice to the people. Interpretation and Application of Laws. Role in Law-making. Equity Legislation. Protection of Rights. Guardian of the Constitution, Power to get its Decisions and Judgements enforced, In case any person is held Early Notions of Justice The administration of justice, the judiciary’s … Read more

Political change And Development

Political change And Development

Political Change: Change is a natural phenomenon, and in all ages, change occurs, but the rapidity and extent of change distinguish the modern world. Change in the methods of communication, in economic, social, and political life. What happens in New York, Cairo or Sydney can be witnessed instantaneously in London or New Delhi, or read … Read more

Influence Power And Authority

Influence Power And Authority

Influence: Influence authority and power are among the most common keywords in politics. They are present at all levels in a political system, but they are differently presented. However, the certain ground is Common that a human relationship exists and that the assessment of one or other parties affects the other’s behavior. The effect is … Read more

Kinds Of Constitutions

Kinds Of Constitutions

Constitutions Classified: Considered concerning the degree of popular participation in the government which they allow, constitutions have been classified by various Writers as “free,” “democratic,” “aristocratic,” etc. Considered as instruments of evidence, they have been classified as cumulative or evolved and second, as conventional or enacted. To the first class belong those who have their … Read more

Nature of public opinion

Nature public opinion

Nature of Public Opinion. During the greater part of human history, the government was viewed as something exalted and mysterious, beyond the mass’s comprehension. The authority of rulers was believed to be of divine origin. The people were expected to give reverence and obedience, not to question or criticize the acts of those in authority. … Read more

Aristocracy Government Examples

Aristocracy Government

Aristocracy Government Examples. The aristocratic government places political power in a comparatively small part of the population of the state. This class may be based on birth, wealth, age, military power, priestly power, education, or a combination of these and similar distinctions. However, the ruling class may be selected in an aristocracy the mass of … Read more

Elements of state in political science

elements of state in political science

Meaning of The  State. The term “State,” which is the central subject of Elements of state in political science study, has scientific meaning. We do not use it. With the same vagueness and ambiguity as a man in the street uses it. It is often, but erroneously, used as a synonym for “nation,” “society,” “government,” … Read more

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Monarchy

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Monarchy

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Monarchy: While the monarchy is generally considered as a form of government in which the head of the state derives his attire through hereditary succession, any government in which supreme and final authority is in the hands of a single person is a monarchy, whether his office is secured by usurpation, … Read more slot online slot gacor slot toto