Concept of Power in Political Science

Concept of Power in political science

Power is the crux of politics, local, national, and international. Since the beginning of human power has been occupying the central position in human relations. To comprehend international politics and relations, studying the concept of power in political science is a must. The relation between the state and power is very close. In the words … Read more

The Functions of International Organizations

functions of international organizations

The Basis of International Organizations I ARGUED in an earlier Article of this website that the scale of modern civilization has made the national and sovereign State an institutional expedient of which the political un-wisdom and moral danger are both manifest. We are committed to international experiment by the facts about us. We have been … Read more

Nature, Purpose and Scope of International Relations

international relations

Foreign policies To define the meaning and nature of international relations is a ticklish job. It has been a complex work for many reasons. First, the terms international politics and international relations were and still are used interchangeably and loosely. For many years scholars remained confused over the contents of these terms. They were not … Read more