The Second World War

The Second World War

Before the world could recover completely from the havoc caused by the First World War (1914-18), it was shocked to learn about the outbreak of the Second World War – (1939-45). The interval between the end of the First World War and the beginning of the Second World War was 20 years and 9 months. … Read more

The War of American Independence

The War of American Independence

American Revolution, also known as the United States War of Independence or American Revolutionary War, (1775–83), insurrection by which thirteen American colonies won political independence and went on to form the United States of America. The new age:- The American Revolution has a central place in the American memory as the story of the nation’s … Read more

The American Political Tradition

The American Political Tradition

The American Political Tradition is one of the most influential history in the world. Despite the outsize global media attention paid to American politics and elections in particular, the unique characteristics of American government and political culture remain something of a footnote within political theory and philosophy. A Nation of Immigrants:- Within the span of … Read more

The League of Nations

the league of nations

The League of Nations was the first worldwide intergovernmental organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace. It was founded on 10 January 1920 following the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War and ceased operations on 20 April 1946. Members of the League:- As stated in a previous article, the League … Read more

International Administrative Unions

International Administrative Unions

International Administrative Unions term used until the middle of the 20th century for special-purpose governmental associations set up in the second half of the 19th century. Nature and Purposes:- Many states have associated themselves together to form what has been styled public international unions, or more specifically international administrative unions, for the promotion, administration, or … Read more

International law

International law

Nature of International Law International law may be defined as the body of principles and rules generally recognized as binding by the community of states in their relations with one another. It defines states’ rights and the means of the procedure by which those rights may be protected, and violations of them redressed. Like other … Read more

Nature of International Relations

Nature of International Relations

Nature of International Relations. Political science is concerned with the internal organization and functions of the state and the relations of states to one another. The activities that affect states’ relations may be carried on either by private citizens and corporations or by the authorized public agents or governments of states. In the former case, … Read more

Third World in International Relations

Third World

The Third World emerged in the post-World War II era in international relations and conditions when the world was divided into opposite ideological blocs. During those days, the process of decolonization was at its zenith, as a result of which many Asian and African countries got independence, and they joined the international community as sovereign … Read more

Non-alignment Movement


As already observed in the previous article, if there is any outstanding contribution of newly independent states of Asia, Africa, and Latin America worth mentioning, it gives concrete shape to the concept of non-alignment. The concept of non-alignment gained currency in 1955 at Bandung Conference, albeit it was the uppermost in the mind of Pandit … Read more