Mao Zedong Was a National Hero

Mao Zedong Was a National Hero

Mao Zedong Was a National Hero. When will the portrait of Mao Zedong be taken down from the Tiananmen Rostrum? It will never happen! Why? First, Mao Zedong was a national hero. After 1840 the Chinese nation suffered from the disaster and humiliation of national subjugation and genocide. It was under his leadership that the … Read more

The CPC Is an Assembly of Elites in Chinese Society

The CPC Is an Assembly of Elites in Chinese Society

The CPC Is an Assembly of Elites in Chinese Society. If you wonder what kind of organization the Communist Party of Chine ( C.P.C ) is, you can read the Constitution of the Communist Party of China. Why does the Party still win confidence and support from the people after so many twists and turns … Read more

The American Political System

The American Political System

The American Political System. The United States is a representative federal democracy driven by-elections in which citizens and lobbyists, diverse interests compete. The concentration of Economic Power:- In the United States, Professor C. Kaysen notes, “There are currently some 4.5 million business enterprises. Corporations formed only 13 per cent of the total number.” The United … Read more

The Investiture Controversy

The Investiture Controversy

The investiture controversy. The latter part of the eleventh century brought a resumption of intellectual labor upon the body of political and social ideas preserved from antiquity in the Christian Fathers tradition. It began a development that was produced in the centuries following an astonishingly brilliant and virile culture. Order emerged from chaos and, especially … Read more

What is the Role of the Monarchy in UK ?

What is the Role of the Monarchy in UK

What is the Role of the Monarchy in UK ? Monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom. In a monarchy, a king or queen is Head of State. The British Monarchy is known as a constitutional monarchy. This means that, while The Sovereign is Head of State, the ability to make … Read more

Functions of the Monarchy in UK

Functions of the Monarchy in UK

According to Jennings the functions of the Monarchy may be said to be four. First, appearing in an impersonal fashion as the Crown, the Monarch’s name is the cement that binds the Constitution. Secondly, the Monarch similarly binds the units of Commonwealth. Thirdly, there are political functions of the highest importance which the Monarch performs … Read more

Powers of The Crown in British

Powers of The Crown in British

The powers of the Crown in British are those which belong to the office of the King or to the Kingship as an impersonal institution. These powers are never exercised by the Monarch himself. They are exercised in the King’s name by Ministers who derive their authority from Parliament and are responsible to Parliament for … Read more

The King and the Crown of UK

The King and the Crown of UK

The King and the Crown in UK. In nearly days all powers of the government were centered in the man who wore the crown the state cap of royalty. In the course of history those powers have been almost entirely transferred from the King as a person to a complicated impersonal organization called the Crown. … Read more

Theory and Practice of British Democracy

Theory and Practice of British Democracy

Theory and Practice of British Democracy. In theory, it can be claimed that despite the monarchy and a predominantly hereditary House of Lords, Britain has established political democracy. The people elect the House of Commons directly-and, the leader of the majority party there is automatically chosen as the Prime Minister by the monarch. The elected … Read more

Constitutional and Political Reforms in UK

Constitutional and Political Reforms in UK

Constitutional and Political Reforms in the UK. The nineteenth century was an era of reforms in England. These included central administration, local government, the electoral system, civil liberties, free trade, rapid industrialization, reduction in the monarch’s powers, growth of cabinet system, the decline in the privileges of the House of Lords, etc. The century also … Read more slot online slot gacor slot toto