Advantages and Disadvantages Of Monarchy

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Monarchy

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Monarchy: While the monarchy is generally considered as a form of government in which the head of the state derives his attire through hereditary succession, any government in which supreme and final authority is in the hands of a single person is a monarchy, whether his office is secured by usurpation, … Read more

Definition of Liberty And Meaning

definitions of liberty; Liberty definition and meaning; Liberty Definition, Nature and Theories;

Definition of Liberty: Liberty is derived from the Latin word liber, which means free. It is a word of negative meaning denoting the absence of restraint. Its primary significance is to do what one likes, regardless of all consequences, But this is obviously an impossibility. Liberty, in the sense of a complete absence of restraint, … Read more

What Is Local Government? Definition And Meaning

local government

In the Article immediately preceding, we have considered the distribution of governmental powers territoriality from how these powers may be distributed as between the Central Government and the various political units into which all countries of considerable size are divided. And we brought out in that consideration two distinct types of government, the unitary and … Read more

Theory Of Separation Of Powers

Theory Of Separation Of Powers

Distribution of Powers Functionally and theory of  Separation Of Powers. Two methods may be employed for distributing governmental powers, territorial and functional. These two are not alternative methods. The territorial division relates to the splitting up of the State’s territory into political divisions and distributing governmental powers among such divisions. Each of the political divisions … Read more

What Are the Different Types of Governments?

What Are the Different Types of Governments

Different Types of Governments. Some writers on Political Science classify the forms of government as the forms of the State. But this doesn’t seem right. There can be no forms of the state. All States are alike in their nature, and all combine the same essential elements population, territory, organization, and unity or sovereignty. Differences … Read more

Third World in International Relations

Third World

The Third World emerged in the post-World War II era in international relations and conditions when the world was divided into opposite ideological blocs. During those days, the process of decolonization was at its zenith, as a result of which many Asian and African countries got independence, and they joined the international community as sovereign … Read more

Non-alignment Movement


As already observed in the previous article, if there is any outstanding contribution of newly independent states of Asia, Africa, and Latin America worth mentioning, it gives concrete shape to the concept of non-alignment. The concept of non-alignment gained currency in 1955 at Bandung Conference, albeit it was the uppermost in the mind of Pandit … Read more

De-Colonization and Asian African Resurgence


De-Colonization. Modern imperialism and colonialism appeared on the world’s political horizon in the fifteenth century when the European powers like Britain, France, Holland, Portugal, and Spain built their empire by over-powering backward and weak countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. These powers ruled the roost for about four hundred years throughout the world. Colonialism … Read more

New Cold War

New Cold War

The new Cold War’s origin is generally traced back to December 1979 when the Soviet Union intervened in Afghanistan. However, Brzezinski, the National Security Adviser of President Carter of the USA, in his article holds that it was in 1978 that things began to go wrong in the Soviet-American relationship.1 In the first half of … Read more