Conventions of the Constitution

Conventions of the Constitution

Conventions of the Constitution are rules of the constitution that are not enforced by the law courts. Because the law courts do not enforce them, they are best regarded as non-legal rules. Still, because they do, in fact, regulate the working of the constitution, they are an important concern of the constitutional lawyer. Sanction behind Conventions:- The Conventions … Read more

Component Parts of the Constitution

Component Parts of the Constitution

Component Parts of the Constitution are organized into three parts. The first part, the Constitution’s organization using the words Preamble, The second part, Articles, establishes how the Government is structured and how the Constitution can be changed. The third part, the Amendments, lists changes to the Constitution. Sources of the Constitution:- The sources from which the … Read more

The League of Nations

the league of nations

The League of Nations was the first worldwide intergovernmental organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace. It was founded on 10 January 1920 following the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War and ceased operations on 20 April 1946. Members of the League:- As stated in a previous article, the League … Read more

International Administrative Unions

International Administrative Unions

International Administrative Unions term used until the middle of the 20th century for special-purpose governmental associations set up in the second half of the 19th century. Nature and Purposes:- Many states have associated themselves together to form what has been styled public international unions, or more specifically international administrative unions, for the promotion, administration, or … Read more

Federal Unions

Examples of Federal Unions: Where several states unite themselves together under common sovereignty and establish a common central government for the administration of certain affairs of general concern, or where some provinces or dependencies are by a unilateral act of their common superior transformed into largely autonomous self-governing communities, we hate a federal union, as … Read more



Confederations’ character: Definitions of confederations, like those of states, are multifarious, and no useful purpose would be served by quoting them. Most authors agree that a confederation is a union or association of states formed to promote or achieve certain specific objects, especially the maintenance of their common external security. Unlike those who unite to … Read more

Personal and Real Unions

Personal and Real Unions

Personal and Real Unions. A real union is a union of two or more states, which share some state institutions in contrast to personal unions; however, they are not as unified as states in a political. It is a development from the personal union and has historically been limited to monarchies. Personal Unions:- A personal … Read more

Nature of American Democracy

Nature of American Democracy

Nature of American Democracy. Except in times of crisis, capitalism’s normal political system, whether competitive or monopolistic, is liberal democracy, which Marxists may call bourgeois democracy. Votes are the nominal source of political power, but money is the real source. The political system, in other words, is democratic in form but plutocratic in content. Lord … Read more

Nature of the British Constitution

Nature of the British Constitution

Nature of the British Constitution. In almost every country In the world, except the United Kingdom, the terin ‘Constitution’ means a selection or the legal rules that delineate that country’s government, which have Leen embodied in one or several documents. Such a document ray have been drawn up either by a Constituent Assembly or the … Read more

Classifications of Associations and Unions

classifications of Associations and Unions

Principle of classifications of Associations and Unions of States. Some writers classify real unions, confederations, and federal unions as different forms of a “composite” state, distinguishing from a “simple” state. But this classification is unsound because real unions and confederations are not in fact states, nor is a federal union a “composite” state. Its government … Read more