Legislative Power of US President

Legislative Power of US President

Legislative Power of US President. The President may veto bills Congress passes, but Congress may also override a veto by a two-thirds vote in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Article I of the Constitution enumerates the powers of Congress and the specific areas in which it may legislate. Legislative Power of US … Read more

Executive Power of US President

Executive Power of US President

Executive Power of US President. Within the executive branch itself, the president has broad powers to manage national affairs and the priorities of the government. The president can issue rules, regulations, and instructions called executive orders, which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not require approval of the United States … Read more

Power and Duties of the US President

Power and Duties of the US President

Power and Duties of the US President. The President is both the head of state and head of government of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. Sources of Presidential … Read more

The Subject Matter Of Political Economy

The Subject Matter Of Political Economy

The Subject Matter Of Political Economy. Political economy is an interdisciplinary branch of the social sciences that focuses on the interrelationships among individuals, governments, and public policy. Political economists study how economic theories such as capitalism, socialism, and communism work in the real world. The Subject Matter Of Political Economy:- Knowledge of the world is … Read more

The Vice President of United States of America

The Vice-President of United States of America

The vice president of the United States of America is the second highest executive officer of the government of the United States of America and the deputy to the President of the USA. The Vice-President must meet all the qualifications of President since he may succeed to the Presidency in the event of the President’s … Read more

President of the United States

President of the United States

As the head of the government of the United States, the president is arguably the most powerful government official in the world A Single Executive President of the United States:- One of the grave weaknesses in the organization of government under the Articles of Confederation was the absence of executive authority to carry into effect … Read more

UK Prime Minister’s Position

UK Prime Minister’s Position

UK Prime Minister’s Position. The prime minister of the United Kingdom is the head of government in the United Kingdom. The prime minister chairs the Cabinet and selects its ministers, and advises the sovereign on the exercise of much of the Royal Prerogative. As modern prime ministers hold office by virtue of their ability to … Read more

Functions of the UK Prime Minister

Functions of the UK Prime Minister

Functions of the UK Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is the corner stone of  the Constitution. In his hand is the key of Government. His duties are onerous and his authority enormous. Gladstone described these thus. The Head of the British Government is not a Grand Vizier. He has no powers, properly so called, over … Read more

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

The prime minister of the United Kingdom

The prime minister of the United Kingdom is the head of government in the United Kingdom. The prime minister chairs the Cabinet and selects its ministers, and advises the sovereign on the exercise of much of the Royal Prerogative. As modern prime ministers hold office by virtue of their ability to command the confidence of … Read more

Dictatorship of the Cabinet in UK

Dictatorship of the Cabinet in UK

Dictatorship of the Cabinet in UK. A body which wields such powers, observes Ramsay Muir, as these may fairly be described as omnipotent in theory, however, incapable it may be of using its omnipotence. Its position, whenever it commands a majority, ts a dictatorship only qualified by publicity. This dictatorship is far more absolute than … Read more